

Daniel Lacerda (aka Utopiaman) is the New York Times best selling author of 2,100 Asanas, and a Guinness World Records title holder on creating the world’s biggest yoga pose collection. This yoga innovator has been featured in The Washington Post, Vanity Fair, The Huffington Post, Dr. Oz The Good Life, Men’s Health, and Self magazine to name a few.

He was born and raised in Toronto, Canada. Tired of the rat race he hit rock bottom and moved to Brazil. While living in Brazil, Daniel began studying yoga and looking inward to find his life’s purpose. He took a vow of poverty and lived in a 300-square-foot apartment to eliminate all distractions and meditate daily for hours following the Ancient Yogic principals. While his pledge left Daniel malnourished and significantly underweight, his yoga practice also allowed him to have several personal life changing breakthroughs. This led him to become a yoga teacher in order to help others overcome their barriers too.

Daniel was trained in the style known as Raja Yoga under the lineage of Hindu Monk Baba Hari Krishnamacharya from India. Daniel’s students include TV celebrities and a former Olympic athlete. Daniel continues to train others to become certified yoga teachers. All of the models selected to appear in the 2,100 Asanas book and on this website are his students. Daniel encourages his students to challenge themselves to achieve their best on the yoga mat and then to apply that into their every day lives. His personal goal is to get 1 billion people to practice yoga worldwide.

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